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Xinping: China's Homeland of the Huayaodai, Exotic and Fascinating Charm Awaits You

Xinping County, located in Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, is the homeland of the Huayaodai of China. It was the settlement of the Pu people in the three active ethnic groups in the south including Qiang, Pu and Yue as early as three or four thousand years ago. The Dai, Yi, Hani, Lahu, Han and Hui people, living in Xinping for generations, reside adjacently and build the original national culture here.

Thanks to the location of Huayaodai in remote Red River Valley, the closed environment has completely preserved original Dai culture of Dai ancestors including primitive nature worship, witchcraft, tattoo, sacrifice, dyeing, costume and so on.

Xinping in the Red River Basin is the best choice for appreciating authentic Huayaodai charm.

The clothes of Huayaodai women are gorgeous, dazzling and graceful. They wear Collybia albuminosa mushroom-like bamboo hats and various silver decorations. Their tube skirts are divided into layers, the outer the layer is, the higher the layer will be, and the layers are overlapped in this way, making them look more enchanting. 

The women here wear a five-colour belt, consequently receiving the title of "Huayaodai "

If the first month of the lunar calendar, is the most romantic festival in the village of Huayaodai, and it is also the most anticipated day for young men and women the area.

Young men and women put on wonderful clothes for the festival. In a traditional sense, it is the day on which dates happen, love songs are enjoyed and romantic relations are built – earning it the name of "Oriental Valentine's Day".